Art Department Intern - Summer 2025
Please read through this job description thoroughly before applying. There are submission requirements that will knock you out of the candidate pool if not included.
Imagine getting a script page with a description of a decrepit old house in the midst of a charming neighborhood. What type of architecture conveys the spooky mood of the house? What colors show its age and what the house once was before all of the decay? What type of lighting will make the audience a little bit nervous while still giving the viewer clarity around where the front door is located? Is the type font on the welcome mat trying to tell us something about what’s about to happen? What does a little girl look like who’s brave enough to knock on the front door but too scared to do so without her hands shaking?
If you think it would be fun and interesting to answer these types of questions with your drawings, then perhaps an internship in the Pixar Art Department is for you! There are four major disciplines within our Art Department. Here are some descriptions to pique your interest:
Character Design: Determines what the characters of our films will look like and explores their personalities
Set Design: Designs the world and environments where our stories take place
Color / Shading / Lighting Design: Explores mood, emotion and character/world textures all through color
Graphic Design: Uses typography and design to add details that bring story and authenticity to our films
Note: These are four unique areas of specialization and you must include a cover letter with your portfolio submission and resume ranking them from 1 (you are most skilled/interested) to 4 (you are least skilled/interested).
During our 12-week Summer Internship, Art Interns will work in collaboration with mentors and the Art Department gaining valuable feature film experience. As an intern, you will do the following:
Gain knowledge about the Pixar production process and pipeline through classes, collaboration and mentorship
Research and collect reference materials to inspire your designs and techniques
Practice your skill in various disciplines via hands-on creation of art under the guidance of a mentor from the art department
Other duties as assigned
You have an interest in visual storytelling, showing your strengths in illustration, drawing, painting, animation and/or graphic design
Enjoy working collaboratively
Possess a working knowledge of Photoshop
Can share a link to your portfolio of minimally 10-20 images
You have a positive outlook and a strong work ethic
You are in a phase of learning through a traditional or non-traditional path (see eligibility below)
You are available to work full-time Mon 6.2.25 - Fri 8.22.25
You already possess the legal right to work in the United States
Traditional Academic Paths:
Currently enrolled as a junior or greater in a collegiate program
Recent grads who are in their first year after graduation are still eligible to apply
Less Traditional Professional Paths:
Career Transition: Those with a minimum of 5 years post-college graduation and whose professional experiences in a work/academic environment differ vastly from animation, VFX, gaming, and other computer graphics-focused industries
Armed Forces: Those who have served in the armed forces and are in a retraining program
Home Schooled: Those who are self-taught via an alternative educational path
Visa Sponsorship:
Unfortunately, we are not able to sponsor student / intern visas at this time
Submission Process and Application Materials (Please Read Carefully):
Attach a single PDF file containing your resume and a cover letter ranking your skill/interest in one of the four areas listed: Character Design, Set Design, Color/Shading/Lighting Design or Graphic Design. If you do not include a cover letter self-identifying your unique area of skill, we will not be able to review your information
Provide a link to your online demo reel or portfolio in the "Demo Reel” section of the application; without this, you are not eligible for the internship. If it has a password, please be sure to include an accurate password. Please note: social media pages are not an acceptable format for a demo reel or portfolio
In submitting your application, you are agreeing to the terms of our Submission Release Form. Without this, we are unable to consider your application
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Sunday, February 2, 2025
The pay rate for this internship in Emeryville is $22.00 per hour.
關於Pixar Animation Studios:
Pixar Animation Studios 是 The Walt Disney Company 的全資子公司,是一間獲得奧斯卡獎的電影工作室,擁有世界知名的技術、電腦動畫藝術的創意和製作能力。此北加州工作室創作了一些有史以來最成功且最受歡迎的動畫電影,包括 《Toy Story》、《Monsters, Inc.,》、《Cars》、《The Incredibles》、《Ratatouille》、《WALL•E》、 《Up》、《Toy Story 3》、《Brave》、《Inside Out》和 《Coco》。其電影贏得了 35 個奧斯卡獎項,迄今為止,全球票房已超過 130 億美元。
關於 The Walt Disney Company:
Walt Disney Company 連同其子公司和聯營公司,是領先的多元化國際家庭娛樂和媒體企業,其業務主要涉及三個範疇:Disney Entertainment、ESPN 及 Disney Experiences。Disney 在 1920 年代的起步之初,只是一間卡通工作室,至今已成為娛樂界的翹楚,並昂然堅守傳承,繼續為家庭中每位成員創造世界一流的故事與體驗。Disney 的故事、人物與體驗傳遍世界每個角落,深入人心。我們在 40 多個國家/地區營運業務,僱員及演藝人員攜手協力,創造全球和當地人們都珍愛的娛樂體驗。
這個職位隸屬於 Pixar Inc.,其所屬的業務部門是 Pixar Animation Studios。
Pixar Inc. 是提供平等就業機會的僱主。求職者都會獲得聘僱考量的機會,不分種族、宗教、膚色、生理性別、性傾向、社會性別、性別認同、性別表達、原國籍、血統、年齡、婚姻狀態、軍人或退伍軍人身份、醫療狀況、遺傳資訊或殘疾狀況、或者聯邦、州級或地方法律所禁止的其他任何基本特徵。Disney 提倡讓所有人的想法和決策都有助我們發展、創新、創造最好故事的商業環境,並與瞬息萬變的世界息息相關。
The Walt Disney Company 及其聯營公司是推動平等就業機會的僱主,歡迎所有求職者,包括殘疾人士及殘疾退伍軍人。如你是殘疾人士,並需要合理便利安排以搜尋職位空缺或申請職位,請將要求發送至。本電郵地址不擬用於一般僱傭查詢或通訊。我們只會回應與網上申請系統殘疾人士無障礙功能相關的要求。
探索 Disney 職位空缺和 The Life at Disney 網誌,了解華特迪士尼公司有待發掘的所有精彩機會。
探索此地點 愛莫利維爾, CA
The Walt Disney Company 運用精采故事的非凡力量,為世界各地獻上頂級娛樂、豐富資訊及靈感啟發,締造出使我們成為全球頂尖娛樂公司的知名品牌、創意理念及創新科技。
福利 我們的福利
員工故事 Life at Disney 網誌
事業發展 求職者資源
多元、公平與包容 文化與價值觀 員工故事 工作與創新 學生及應屆畢業生 Life at Disney: Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
工作機會 員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 A Dream to Perform Comes True for a Disney Intern at Hong Kong Disneyland
工作機會 員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 A Dream to Perform Comes True for a Disney Intern at Hong Kong Disneyland
員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 From Disney Internships to Beyond: Meet Three Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Cast Members Making an Impact
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